Ploua. Se scurge apa ca timpul, dintr-un cer infinit.
Stropii sunt ca niste secunde unite care se aud ca un rau de munte clar si calm. Si parca niciodata nu s-a auzit asa. Sau n-am avut eu pana acum timp sa ascult asa, ca acum. Ploaia asta insa are o muzica aparte, de parca stie ca, de data asta, o ascult.
Picurii de ploaie s-au mai rarit, acum ii aud evidenti si imi imaginez cum sunt ei mari si rotunzi si se sparg de iarba intr-o multime de stropi transparenti. Acum nu se mai aude apa curgatoare, ci pasarile. Doar un refren, pentru ca raul a inceput din nou, linistit, sa curga.... Pasarile au adormit; si eu probabil. Ploaia insa isi continua cantecul, o muzica in surdina, stoarce norii si elibereaza cerul. Exact, o muzica eliberatoare... Noapte buna!
It is raining. "Time-like" water is running out of an infinite sky. The splashes are like united seconds that sound like a clear and calm mountain river. And it's never been heard. Or I haven't had time to listen like this before. This rain, however, has a special music, as if it knows I listen to it this time, paying more attention. The rain-drops have become more rainy, now I hear them clearly and imagine how they are big and round and they break off the grass in a lot of transparent sprays. Now no water can be heard, but the birds singing. The only thing that has been done is to get a little over a short while off the ground. The birds have fallen asleep; and I must have too. The rain continued its song, a soft music, juxed the clouds and released the sky. Exactly, a liberating music... Have a good sleep!