duminică, 23 mai 2021

Ploaia. Drops of time


Ploua. Se scurge apa ca timpul, dintr-un cer infinit. 

Stropii sunt ca niste secunde unite care se aud ca un rau de munte clar si calm. Si parca niciodata nu s-a auzit asa. Sau n-am avut eu pana acum timp sa ascult asa, ca acum. Ploaia asta insa are o muzica aparte, de parca stie ca, de data asta, o ascult. 

Picurii de ploaie s-au mai rarit, acum ii aud evidenti si imi imaginez cum sunt ei mari si  rotunzi si se sparg de iarba intr-o multime de stropi transparenti. Acum nu se mai aude apa curgatoare, ci pasarile.  Doar un refren, pentru ca raul a inceput din nou, linistit, sa curga.... Pasarile au adormit; si eu probabil. Ploaia insa isi continua cantecul, o muzica in surdina, stoarce norii si elibereaza cerul. Exact, o muzica eliberatoare... Noapte buna! 


It is raining. "Time-like" water is running out of an infinite sky. The splashes are like united seconds that sound like a clear and calm mountain river. And it's never been heard. Or I haven't had time to listen like this before. This rain, however, has a special music, as if it knows I listen to it this time, paying more attention. The rain-drops have become more rainy, now I hear them clearly and imagine how they are big and round and they break off the grass in a lot of transparent sprays. Now no water can be heard, but the birds singing. The only thing that has been done is to get a little over a short while off the ground. The birds have fallen asleep; and I must have too. The rain continued its song, a soft music, juxed the clouds and released the sky. Exactly, a liberating music... Have a good sleep!

duminică, 16 mai 2021

Copacul din noi

 In primul rand, spune-ti in gand: Eu pot!

- Si daca o sa ploua?

* Vezi ramurile astea noi? Mi le-am descoperit dupa o ploaie strasnica.

- Eu nu cred ca o sa am vreodata aripi

* Dar ai radacini. Lasa pasarile sa aiba aripi.  Ele or sa vina intotdeauna sa-ti povesteasca ceva. Si vor veni la tine ca acasa.

- Si vantul? N-o sa le imprastie cuibul?

* Tu sa nu-ti faci griji. Ele stiu sa construiasca si sa apere. E un instinct

- Dar soarele prea puternic o sa-mi parjoleasca frunzele

* Dar o sa infloresti. Fara soare, nu ai nici frunze, nici flori, nici roade.

- Iar toamna? O sa ma sfasaie pana o sa raman doar niste lemne goale.

* Lemnul tau, sa-ti fie coloana vertebrala zdravana. Frunzele or sa-ti creasca la loc

- Si-atunci, ce folos? Pentru ce atata zbatere?

* Pentru ca or sa-ti creasca frunze si pe ramurile noi. Intelegi? Nu frunzele sunt grija ta. Ci radacinile. Asa ai fost sadit, asa ai crescut.


First of all, think like this: " I can" !

- What if it rains?

* Can you see my new branches? I discovered them after a heavy rain.

- I don't think I'll ever have wings

* But you have roots. Let the birds have wings. They will always come to you telling a story. And they will come to as if you were their home.

- And the wind? Won't it scatter their nest?

* Don't worry. They know how to build and defend. It's an instinct

"But the sun is too strong and it will burn my leaves."

* But you will bloom

Without the sun, you have no leaves, no flowers, no fruit.

- And the Autumn? It will tear me apart until only some  leafless wood remains.

* May your wooden spine be healthy. The leaves will grow back

- Then what's the use? Why so much struggle?

* Because your leaves will grow on your new branches as well. Do you understand? The leaves are not your concern, but the roots. That's how you were planted, that's how you grew up.